Patient compliance score (CAT)

CAT Score - method to numerically capture how well the patient was compliant to their dosing and diet since the last reading

The CAT Score is made up of several categories, with the objective to keep the score as low as possible to zero (equates to perfect compliance)

Missed Doses:

Additional Doses:

More Vitamin K:

Less Vitamin K:


Sample Patient: Since last INR reading, John Doe had 2 alcoholic drinks, did not miss any doses, had one additional dosage taken, and had a 3-4 excess servings of Vitamin K than normal.

Missed Doses: 0 pts
Additional Doses: 1 pt
More Vitamin K: 2 pts
Less Vitamin K: 0 pts
Alcohol: 1 pt

Total CAT Score = 4 pts

INR Pro will calculate an average CAT score by patient and across all patients, as shown below

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Want to learn more? Read published AHRQ article about CAT score >>>