Example: Patient has INR reading of 2.4 on October 1st, then reading of 3.2 on October 17th. Assuming the patient gradually moves towards a reading of 3.2 throughout the 16-day period between Oct 1st and Oct 17th, then we can estimate that the patient was within their INR therapeutic range [2 - 3] for a majority of that time period. To calculate the value
To calculate overall % in range, add total days in range for each time period, and divide by total therapeutic days
Sample Patient
INR In Range % (Traditional) = 47.06% INR In Range % (Rosendaal) = 71.05% Here is another way to view the calculations, if we look at just a few data points from above. Click images to enlarge.
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[8 visits within range out of 17 total visits]
[194 days in therapeutic range out of 273 total therapeutic days]