Helping manage anticoagulation patients for over 20 years

coumacare database conversion freeCoumaCareSM Conversion to INR Pro©

If you are currently using CoumaCare, and want to upgrade to the many features of INR Pro, we'd like to give you an idea of how the process will work

  1. Obtain a copy of the backend database running Coumacare (Access database). Your IT personnel can help you figure this out.

  2. Provide us with a non-disclosure/privacy/HIPAA form to fill out, so we can have permission to view your patient data

  3. Email Access database to us, and we will upload to our system

  4. We will setup your new INR Pro system online, and provide you login information to access the system. The system will contain all of your CoumaCare history

  5. Review the system to make sure all your patients and information transferred over, and test out the new system using current patient visits and information.

  6. DECISION: Within 30 days, let us know if you would like to go forward with our system
    • If NO, then we will simply delete your new system and delete the database you sent us
    • If YES, then provide us with a "go-live" date of when you would like to switch over. There is no cost for the conversion, you will only be subject to the monthly pricing, based upon the number of active patients you have.

  7. The weekend prior to the go-live date, we will need an updated copy of the CoumaCare database (after Friday's entries)

  8. On Monday, start entering your information into the new system, and discontinue using CoumaCare

Time frame for conversion can be as quick as one week, to as long as a couple months. Most of the time is spent trying to obtain the old database. Have any other questions? Contact us and we'll get back to you within 24 hours